El Tiempo and Semana highlight world architecture award to Ricardo de Castro

We proudly share the national media reviews regarding the A Design Awards Award given to our “La Cima” project in Italy. https://www.eltiempo.com/colombia/barranquilla/premio-a-mansion-construida-en-la-sierra-nevada-690983 https://www.semana.com/nacion/barranquilla/articulo/arquitecto-barranquillero-gano-premio-internacional-por-diseno-ambientalmente-sostenible/202209/

El Heraldo Highlights Architecture Award to Ricardo De Castro

The leading newspaper of the Coast in Colombia, highlights the different recognitions obtained by this professional from Barranquilla who has been concerned with associating sustainability with all his designs. To see the full note, go here: https://www.elheraldo.co/sociedad/construir-y-retribuir-los-retos-que-inspiran-ricardo-de-castro-925333

Ricardo de Castro wins two Rethinking The Future Awards

Two of our projects have been recognized by the distinguished annual international architecture awards program Rethinking The Future Awards, an architecture community that is currently represents the fastest-growing in the industry. The jury, made up of academics and established professionals with tremendous experience and prestigious international career, carefully selects the projects and votes to select the … Read more

The importance of good design for a restaurant

Designing or redesigning a restaurant requires planning and strategy. Each space has a purpose and must ensure the best experience, atmosphere and comfort for customers. It is important to note that the interior design of a restaurant is a crucial part of the marketing and sales strategy. It is the first thing customers see and … Read more

A’ Design Award

Our Marquise project has been awarded by the prestigious A’ Design Award & Competition with the Bronze Award in the category of Good Architectural Space Design. Additionally, Ricardo received the nomination for Designer of the Year 2018-2019 in such a prestigious event! We receive this great honor with enthusiasm since the A’Design Awards is the … Read more

Arquitectura Sostenible

El acceso a la información en cuanto a desastres naturales y calidad de vida ha cambiado la forma como el mundo percibe el medio ambiente. Hoy en día hablar de cambio climático es cada vez más común y su efecto inmediato ha logrado que los asuntos ambientales se encuentren en la agenda de  los gobiernos … Read more